Differentiating modeling and remodeling events using patterns of formation/resorption to differentiate the stimuli of these unique responses

Modeling and remodeling are two unique and essential processes in bone metabolism. Remodeling occurs throughout life, and is the coupled repair process of bone resorption followed by bone formation in the same location. Modeling is an uncoupled formative or resorptive response that is typical of growth or osteoporosis, respectively. The underlying mechanisms of bone mechanobiology are inherently linked to understanding these distinct processes. Furthermore the efficacy of treatments to address bone deficiencies may benefit from understanding which of these processes they affect.

Modeling and remodeling are two unique and essential processes in bone metabolism. Remodeling occurs throughout life, and is the coupled repair process of bone resorption followed by bone formation in the same location. Modeling is an uncoupled formative or resorptive response that is typical of growth or osteoporosis, respectively. The underlying mechanisms of bone mechanobiology are inherently linked to understanding these distinct processes. Furthermore the efficacy of treatments to address bone deficiencies may benefit from understanding which of these processes they affect. As such we use registered 3-dimensional micro-CT scans from 4 or more time points to track the sequence of events in bone (i.e. resorption, formation, quiescence = remodeling; background, background, formation = anabolic modeling) to classify modeling vs. remodeling events, and examine how these are affected by stimuli such as mechanical loading or other treatments.